Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not A Box

What a great book to encourage imagination! This book, Not a Box by Antoinette Portis, is a simple story about how a rabbit can imagine an ordinary box as a mountain peak, burning building, a race car, and much more. All along the rabbit insists that it's not a box but all those objects.
Isn't this a beautiful demonstration of a child's need for play and imagination? I remember when my girls were toddlers and they had more fun with boxes and wrapping paper then the toys in them. They would play for hours creating stories and adventures. Sometimes I wonder if we hinder our children from developing their imagination and joy for simple things. We try to fit them into the "school mold" spitting out the right answers and not developing thinking. This simple book is a great reminder for me to stimulate my students imagination with books!
Happy Children's Book Week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.